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No errors have occurred during our tests and you may be interested in checking out a well-written help file with tutorials and snapshots if you don't know how to get started.
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Convertir des documents PDF en images et de les compresser Convertir des douzaines de formats d'image au format PDF.. But you can also set the page size properties (width, height, unit, preset) or just select the automatic mode.. Batch processing is supported, which is the biggest advantage of the tool In the list you can view the page number, name, path, image size and date of each file.. Clean looksThis is a simple-to-use application, so you can easily navigate within the interface's features.. Performance and what it lacksImage to PDF Converter quickly finishes a conversion task and offers to open the output files when it finishes.. Créez le pdf ou les images avec des options à optimiser, chiffrent, tournent, fusionnent, et filigrane. 0041d406d9